Odata v3 Web Api navigation with composite key

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I have a Web Api using Odata v3, with some entities a composite key, like this one:

public class AerodromoAdministracaoData
    [Column("idAerodromo", Order = 0)]
    public short IdAerodromo { get; set; }

    [Column("data", Order = 1, TypeName = "date")]
    public DateTime Data { get; set; }       

    public virtual Aerodromo Aerodromo { get; set; }

I followed this msdn article and created a NavigationRoutingConvention. The application handles composite keys fine now. However, navigation Links like this one don't work:


I keep getting a "No HTTP resource was found that matches the request" as if the method was not implemented in the controller. By the way, this is the controller method:

    public Aerodromo GetAerodromo([FromODataUri] short idAerodromo, [FromODataUri] DateTime data)
        AerodromoAdministracaoData result = Store.AerodromoAdministracaoData.Find(idAerodromo, data);
        if (result == null)
            throw new HttpResponseException(new System.Net.Http.HttpResponseMessage(System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound));
        return result.Aerodromo;

I found this question talking about exactly the same problem, but I haven't figured out how Nikon handled the issue.


There are 1 answers

Sam Xu On


From MSDN article Support Composite Key in ASP.NET Web API OData

public class CompositeKeyRoutingConvention : EntityRoutingConvention

The above routing convention can cover the following Uri templates:

  • ~/entityset/key
  • ~/entityset/key/cast

But, it can't cover ~/entityset/key/navigation

The fix is simple, just derived from NavigationRouteConvention as below

public class CompositeKeyRoutingConvention : NavigationRoutingConvention

Below is the debug information: The debug information:

Please make sure: if you want support both Uris:

  • /AerodromoAdministracaoData%28idAerodromo=1,data=%272014-10-24%27%29
  • /AerodromoAdministracaoData%28idAerodromo=1,data=%272014-10-24%27%29/Aerodromo

You must have two custom routing conventions, one derived from EntityRoutingConvention, the other one derived from NavigationRoutingConvention.

Hope it can help. Thanks.