Octopack is not packing when using custom nuspec file

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I am attempting to configure an octopus deployment build in TFS. It was working okay initially, as in it would build, package up using octopack and deploy.

However i want to configure what files get packed and realised that I need to use a custom nuspec file.

I created a new file and used a default .nuspec file with no changes as a starting point.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package >
    <description>Package description</description>
    <releaseNotes>Summary of changes made in this release of the package.</releaseNotes>
    <copyright>Copyright 2015</copyright>
    <tags>Tag1 Tag2</tags>
      <dependency id="SampleDependency" version="1.0" />

With this file present and checked in when I do a build it is not creating a nuget package.

As soon as I exclude the nuspec file it all works again.

The nuspec file is My.Project.Name.nuspec


There are 1 answers

4imble On

Okay i have got it working again.

The package was getting made it seems that octopus was not picking it up. It seems that the <id>Package</id> is also very important and should be named the same as the project and nuspec file.