I am attempting to configure an octopus deployment build in TFS. It was working okay initially, as in it would build, package up using octopack and deploy.
However i want to configure what files get packed and realised that I need to use a custom nuspec file.
I created a new file and used a default .nuspec file with no changes as a starting point.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<package >
<description>Package description</description>
<releaseNotes>Summary of changes made in this release of the package.</releaseNotes>
<copyright>Copyright 2015</copyright>
<tags>Tag1 Tag2</tags>
<dependency id="SampleDependency" version="1.0" />
With this file present and checked in when I do a build it is not creating a nuget package.
As soon as I exclude the nuspec file it all works again.
The nuspec file is My.Project.Name.nuspec
Okay i have got it working again.
The package was getting made it seems that octopus was not picking it up. It seems that the
is also very important and should be named the same as the project and nuspec file.