OC4J (10.1.2) orion-web.xml

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I try to use CommonJ with OC4J. I need to write 'resource-ref-mapping' in orion-web.xml

If I have such entry in web.xml:


Then if i undestand right then need in orion-web.xml:

  <resource-ref-mapping name="tm/PublisherTimerManager"
        <lookup-context location="commonj.timers.TimerManager">
              <context-attribute name="java.naming.factory.initial"

Am i right?


There are 1 answers

Richard Kettelerij On

CommonJ in OC4J? CommonJ was a collaboration between BEA (now Oracle) and IBM and apart from a few ports (to JBoss I believe) is only available on Weblogic and Websphere.