I am currently writing a plugin for obsidian.md that renders math functions inside a code block. I used webpack for bundling node libraries like yaml and function-plot. In the config, I added 'obsidian' as an external. The plugin builds with a warning about the bundle size but that doesn't matter since it's local anyways. When I add the plugin, it always says ''obsidian' not defined'. I guess it's looking for obsidian in the global context and can't find it? Here's the repo: https://github.com/leonhma/obsidian-functionplot Do you know how to configure webpack properly? There's probably some really easy fix but I'm also new to typescript, webpack and developing plugins for obsidian..
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Thank you @håkon-hægland for your suggestion (why didn't I think of that?). First of all, the file generated by webpack looked like
, so webpack tried to access some global object called 'obsidian'. The important part in
wasAs per your suggestion, i took a look at the other repo, and they use
That fixed my problem and now obsidian is properly imported at runtime. Just posting this in case someone else has this problem, as i couldn't find an existing answer myself.
PS: For those interested, since you are most certainly developing obsidian plugins: It was also really important to set
inside the webpack config.