I am currently following Paul Hudson's book Objective-C for Swift developers.
In a book, in chapter Nullability, I create a class:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
@interface PersonNullabilityCheck : NSObject @property NSString *name;
- (instancetype)initWithName:(NSString*)name;
- (NSString*)fetchGreetingsForTime:(NSString*)time; @end
After that, Editor -> Assistant. Finally, Counterparts -> PersonNullabilityCheck.h (Swift 5 interface)
At this point in the book, Paul shows how Swift sees this Objective-C class. And in the book it looks like this:
import Foundation
public class Person: NSObject {
public var name: String!
public init!(name:String!)
public func fetchGreetingForTime(time: String!) -> String!
Everything here is implicitly unwrapped.
However, when I do the same, I can see this:
import Foundation
open class PersonNullabilityCheck : NSObject {
open var name: String
public init(name: String)
open func fetchGreetings(forTime time: String) -> String
I assume, since the book was written, some new, better techniques were developed to handle nullability?
I would appreciate it if someone could explain to me where the difference is, and how to read it. Many thanks!
Okay, I got it, the answer was right there and I haven't noticed it.
These lines of code that differ from the version from the book, make every element automatically non-nullable. Therefore I assume I don't have to worry to make a manual check, but if I want to make something non-nullable, I need to add it manually.