I have a C# windows forms application which communicates with a USB dongle via a COM port. I am using the SerialPort class in .Net 2.0 for communication, and the serial port object is open for the lifetime of the application. The application sends commands to the device and can also receive unsolicited data from the device.
My problem occurs when the form is closed - I get (randomly, unfortunately) an ObjectDisposedException when attempting to close the COM port. Here is the Windows stack trace:
System.ObjectDisposedException was unhandled
Message=Safe handle has been closed
at Microsoft.Win32.UnsafeNativeMethods.SetCommMask(SafeFileHandle hFile, Int32 dwEvtMask)
at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.Dispose(Boolean disposing)
at System.IO.Ports.SerialStream.Finalize()
I have found posts from people with similar problems and have tried the workaround [here][1]
[1]: http://zachsaw.blogspot.com/2010/07/net-serialport-woes.html although that is for an IOException and did not stop the problem.
My Close() code is as follows:
public void Close()
Console.WriteLine("******ComPort.Close - baseStream.Close*******");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("******ComPort.Close baseStream.Close raised exception: " + ex + "*******");
_onDataReceived = null;
Console.WriteLine("******ComPort.Close - _serialPort.Close*******");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("******ComPort.Close - _serialPort.Close raised exception: " + ex + "*******");
My logging showed that execution never got beyond attempting to close the SerialPort's BaseStream (this is in the first try
block), so I experimented with removing this line but the exception is still thrown periodically - the logging in the second try
block appeared then the exception happened. Neither catch block catches the exception.
Any ideas?
UPDATE - adding full class:
namespace My.Utilities
public interface ISerialPortObserver
void SerialPortWriteException();
internal class ComPort : ISerialPort
private readonly ISerialPortObserver _observer;
readonly SerialPort _serialPort;
private DataReceivedDelegate _onDataReceived;
public event DataReceivedDelegate OnDataReceived
add { lock (_dataReceivedLocker) { _onDataReceived += value; } }
remove { lock (_dataReceivedLocker) { _onDataReceived -= value; } }
private readonly object _dataReceivedLocker = new object();
private readonly object _locker = new object();
internal ComPort()
_serialPort = new SerialPort { ReadTimeout = 10, WriteTimeout = 100, DtrEnable = true };
_serialPort.DataReceived += DataReceived;
internal ComPort(ISerialPortObserver observer) : this()
_observer = observer;
private void DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
DataReceivedDelegate temp = null;
lock (_locker)
lock (_dataReceivedLocker)
temp = _onDataReceived;
string dataReceived = string.Empty;
var sp = (SerialPort) sender;
dataReceived = sp.ReadExisting();
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Log(TraceLevel.Error, "ComPort.DataReceived raised exception: " + ex);
if (null != temp && string.Empty != dataReceived)
temp(dataReceived, TickProvider.GetTickCount());
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Log(TraceLevel.Error, "ComPort.DataReceived raised exception calling handler: " + ex);
public string Port
_serialPort.PortName = value;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Log(TraceLevel.Error, "ComPort.Port raised exception: " + ex);
private System.IO.Stream comPortStream = null;
public bool Open()
comPortStream = _serialPort.BaseStream;
return true;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Log(TraceLevel.Warning, "ComPort.Open raised exception: " + ex);
return false;
public bool IsOpen
return _serialPort.IsOpen;
catch(Exception ex)
Logger.Log(TraceLevel.Error, "ComPort.IsOpen raised exception: " + ex);
return false;
internal virtual void SetupSerialPortWithWorkaround()
// This class is meant to fix the problem in .Net that is causing the ObjectDisposedException.
catch (Exception e)
Logger.Log(TraceLevel.Info, "Work around for .Net SerialPort object disposed exception failed with : " + e + " Will still attempt open port as normal");
public void Close()
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Log(TraceLevel.Error, "ComPortStream.Close raised exception: " + ex);
_onDataReceived = null;
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Log(TraceLevel.Error, "ComPort.Close raised exception: " + ex);
public void WriteData(string aData, DataReceivedDelegate handler)
OnDataReceived += handler;
_serialPort.Write(aData + "\r\n");
catch (Exception ex)
Logger.Log(TraceLevel.Error, "ComPort.WriteData raised exception: " + ex);
if (null != _observer)
Note: The current findings have only been tested on .NET Framework 4.0 32-bit on Windows 7, please feel free to comment if it works on other versions.
Edit: TL;DR: Here's the crux of the workaround. See below for explanation. Don't forget to use SerialPortFixer when opening the SerialPort as well. ILog is from log4net.
I've wrestled with this for a couple of days in a recent project.
There are many different bugs (I've seen so far) with the .NET SerialPort class that lead to all of the headaches on the web.
The missing DCB struct flag here: http://zachsaw.blogspot.com/2010/07/net-serialport-woes.html This one is fixed by the SerialPortFixer class, credits go to the author for that one.
When a USB serial device is removed, when closing the SerialPortStream, the eventLoopRunner is asked to stop and SerialPort.IsOpen returns false. Upon disposal this property is checked and closing the internal serial stream is skipped, thus keeping the original handle open indefinitely (until the finalizer runs which leads to the next problem).
The solution for this one is to manually close the internal serial stream. We can get its reference by SerialPort.BaseStream before the exception has happened or by reflection and getting the "internalSerialStream" field.
When a USB serial device is removed, closing the internal serial stream throws an exception and closes the internal handle without waiting for its eventLoopRunner thread to finish, causing an uncatchable ObjectDisposedException from the background event loop runner thread later on when the stream's finalizer runs (which oddly avoids throwing the exception but still fails to wait for the eventLoopRunner).
Symptom of that here: https://connect.microsoft.com/VisualStudio/feedback/details/140018/serialport-crashes-after-disconnect-of-usb-com-port
The solution is to manually ask the event loop runner to stop (via reflection) and waiting for it to finish before closing the internal serial stream.
Since Dispose throws exceptions, the finalizer is not suppressed. This is easily solvable:
GC.SuppressFinalize(port); GC.SuppressFinalize(port.BaseStream);
Here's a class that wraps a serial port and fixes all these issues: http://pastebin.com/KmKEVzR8
With this workaround class, reverting to .NET 1.1 unhandled exception behavior is unnecessary and it works with excellent stability.
This is my first contribution, so please excuse me if I'm not doing it right. I hope it helps someone.