I am running vector autoregression models in R using vars
library and I want to utilize the foreach
function to run models in parallel but it yields an error saying
Error in { : task 1 failed - "object 'exogen.train' not found"
The code runs fine if no exogenous variables are included but once I add them to the model, the error occurs. Below is a minimal example of the error:
dat <- ts(matrix(rnorm(600), 200, 3), start = c(1961, 1), frequency = 12)
dat.train <- dat[1:100, ]
dat.test <- dat[101:200, ]
label <- sample(1:5, nrow(dat), replace = T)
exogen.train <- cbind(label = label[1:100])
exogen.test <- cbind(label = label[101:200])
ncores <- 6
cl <- makeCluster(ncores)
res <- foreach(i = 1:6, .combine = rbind, .packages = c("vars")) %dopar% {
fit.VAR <- VAR(dat.train, p = i, type = "none", exogen = exogen.train)
pred.valid <- predict(fit.VAR, dat.test, dumvar = exogen.test, n.ahead = nrow(dat.test))
res <- lapply(pred.valid$fcst, sd)
return(list(c(i, res)))
Even if I move everything inside the loop, the error persists. But if no exogenous variables are included, then the code runs fine:
ncores <- 6
cl <- makeCluster(ncores)
res <- foreach(i = 1:6, .combine = rbind, .packages = c("vars")) %dopar% {
fit.VAR <- VAR(dat.train, p = i, type = "none")
pred.valid <- predict(fit.VAR, dat.test, n.ahead = nrow(dat.test))
res <- lapply(pred.valid$fcst, sd)
return(list(c(i, res)))
The error is reproducible on Windows and Mac with R 4.2, and on Linux with R 3.62.
This is apparently some issue with the
function internally trying to accessexogen
again from the global environment. See the thread here.So the solution for you is adding
.GlobalEnv$exogen.train <- exogen.train
into your loop: