I keep getting an 'Object expected' error in IE8, works fine in Chrome & Firefox. The error points to this bit of script:
<script type="text/javascript">
var oEdit1 = new InnovaEditor("oEdit1");
I also get the same exception when debugging in Visual Studio. I'm not sure if its related but this is what it points to:
this.arrParagraph = [
[getTxt("Heading 1"), "H1"],
[getTxt("Heading 2"), "H2"],
[getTxt("Heading 3"), "H3"],
[getTxt("Heading 4"), "H4"],
[getTxt("Heading 5"), "H5"],
[getTxt("Heading 6"), "H6"],
[getTxt("Preformatted"), "PRE"],
[getTxt("Normal (P)"), "P"],
[getTxt("Normal (DIV)"), "DIV"]
The code above was found in the InnovaStudio WYSIWIG Editor source files. I read elsewhere that type="text/javascript"
should be replaced with language="javascript"
and tried it out but doesn't work. Any ideas?
EDIT Here's the initializing script for InnovaEditor:
edtCnt = document.createElement("DIV");
edtCnt.id = "innovaeditor" + i;
txt.parentNode.insertBefore(edtCnt, txt);
window["oEdit"+i] = new InnovaEditor("oEdit"+i);
var objStyle;
if( window.getComputedStyle ) {
objStyle = window.getComputedStyle(txt,null);
} else if( txt.currentStyle ) {
objStyle = txt.currentStyle;
} else {
objStyle = {width:window["oEdit"+i].width, height:window["oEdit"+i].height};
if(opt) {
for(var it in opt) {
window["oEdit"+i][it] = opt[it];
window["oEdit"+i].REPLACE(txt.id, "innovaeditor" + i);
Problem solved! Turns out I had to place everything in the Scripts folder to get it working. Thanks for the help anyway.