I have a Swift / Parse iPhone project in Xcode. I have added Parse frameworks and as long as I import Bolts
and import Parse
in my swift file I am able to use all parse functions. I am now wondering, why do I need the Obj C bridging header at all? Currently there is nothing in it, yet everywhere it says that you need to properly setup your bridging header for Parse to work in Swift projects?
Obj C bridging header does not seem to matter?
82 views Asked by Kashif At
The difference is in your deployment target. For iOS8, you can use embedded frameworks, so you can import frameworks just with a simple
import FrameworkName
. If you use CocoaPods, you can adduse_frameworks!
directive to yourpodfile
and you can then use all pods as Frameworks without a bridging header.If you want to provide a support for iOS7, you have to still use a bridging header, because embedded frameworks are not supported with this version of iOS.