oAuth 1.0, Advanced Rest Client, Twitter API, Not Working

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I've done all the developer.twitter.com setup (created an app and a dev environment). In ARC, I have filled in the Authorization section, choosing oAuth 1.0, filled in the consumer key, consumer secret, token, token secret, and token auth URL. ARC created the timestamp and nonce, and I chose the HMAC-SHA1 realm. When I click "authorize", it just hangs; never comes back. When I try a simple GET on api.twitter.com/1.1/followers/ids.json?screen_name=< my screen name >, I get the 400 "Bad authentication data" with code 215 response. What am I missing? I've both created and consumed many REST APIs but never had a problem using ARC for them before.


There are 2 answers

JenVander On

The answer is, Advanced Rest Client just plain doesn't work with the Twitter API. I used Insomnia instead, and it worked with the exact same inputs that I gave to ARC. ARC has been a great tool for me for the past decade, so it's disappointing.

Paramjeet Singh On

I think this PostMan image solve your solution .. consumer key, consumer secret, token, token secret -- use only four with your API

enter image description here