This is my fixed width file
1abc@-+ 18
2def_= 22
3ghi${ 22
2jkl%] 22
1mn#o 50
3pqr() 14
5stu? 18
when i try to read it from numpy.genfromtxt, i get
| 1|abc@-+ | 18|
| 2|def_= | 22|
| 2|ghi${ | 22|
| 2|jkl%] | 22|
| 1| mn| |
| 3|pqr() | 14|
| 5|stu? | 18|
| 6|!`$%^&*(| 20|
So it works fine for every other special character except '#' In '#' case, it takes data before # and replaces subsequent data as blank
I have tried using dtype as 'U' for unicode, but the same type of behaviour is coming
I am using the code
data = numpy.genfromtxt('abc.fw',dtype='str',skip_header=1,delimiter=(1,8,2))