I need help converting numbers to ASCII. This is my code so far:
.global itoascii
/* Initialize variables */
mov x1, #10 /* Divisor */
mov x2, buffer /* Buffer address */
udiv x3, x0, x1 /* Divide the number by 10, quotient in x3, remainder in x0 */
add x4, x0, #'0' /* Convert remainder to ASCII */
strb w4, [x2], #1 /* Store ASCII character in buffer and increment buffer pointer */
cmp x3, #0 /* Check if quotient is zero */
beq end_conversion /* If quotient is zero, exit the loop */
mov x0, x3 /* Update the number with the quotient */
b convert_loop /* Repeat the process */
mov x0, x2 /* Return the address of the buffer */
/* Put the converted string into buffer,
and return the address of buffer */
buffer: .fill 128, 1, 0