I am currently using spark java version 2.5. And i am facing issues with the threads being created. I see the live threads keeps on growing. Below is the code public class LookupService {
public static void main(String[] args) {
int maxThreads = 8;
int minThreads = 2;
int timeOutMillis = 30000;
threadPool(maxThreads, minThreads, timeOutMillis);
ServiceController service = new ServiceController();
final Gson gson = new Gson();
Spark.get("/sample", (request, response) -> {
return "sample Spark";
Spark.get("/opt1", (request, response) -> {
//SOme operation
Spark.post("/opt2", (request, response) -> {
//SOme operation
but when I run this application as jar and application start processing request . I can see the threads growing. I checked the threads number with help of VisualVm. Can you please help me on how to control the number of threads.