import java.util.*;
import java.awt.*;
public class Project4
public static void main (String[] args)
String noteRepresentation = "78!9@a#bc$d%ef^g&A*BC(D)EF_G+H";
String noteString = SimpleInput.getString("String of notes");
// init strLen etc
int strLen = noteString.length();
int samples = (int)((.125) * (22050)); // 1/8 Times the sample per sec
int finalLen = strLen * samples;
// Create a silence array
double silenceArray[] = new double[(int)samples];
// = new double[(double)samples]; // Be able to create a new array for the silence (periods).
// Create a main sound sample
SoundSample[] ssarrFS = new SoundSample[(int)finalLen];
String noteLetter;
for ( int noteIndex = 0; noteIndex < noteString.length(); noteIndex++)
double freq = -1;
double amplitude = -1;
noteLetter = noteString.substring(noteIndex, noteIndex + 1);
getAmp(freq, noteLetter);
SoundSample[] tempArray = createSineWave(freq, amplitude);
if (noteRepresentation.indexOf(noteLetter) == -1)
for(int index1 = 0;index1<samples;index1++)
int value1 = tempArray[index1].getValue();
freq = -1;
amplitude = -1;
for(int index2 = 0;index2<samples;index2++)
getAmp(freq, noteLetter);
int value2 = tempArray[index2].getValue();
Sound sFinal = modifySound(finalLen, ssarrFS);
public static Sound modifySound(int finalLen, SoundSample[] ssarrFS)
Sound sFinal = new Sound( finalLen+1);
SoundSample[] ssarr3 = sFinal.getSamples();
int ind;
for (ind = 0 ; ind < finalLen ; ++ind )
int valueFinal = ssarrFS[ind].getValue();
// check for clipping
if ( valueFinal > 32767 )
valueFinal = 32767;
if ( valueFinal < -32768 )
valueFinal = -32768;
ssarr3[ind].setValue ( valueFinal );
return sFinal;
public static double getFreq (String noteLetter)
String noteRepresentation = "78!9@a#bc$d%ef^g&A*BC(D)EF_G+H";
double x = noteRepresentation.indexOf(noteLetter); // x becomes 15
double y = noteRepresentation.indexOf('H'); // y becomes 29
double exponent = (double)((x - y)/12.0);
double freq = (double)(440.0 * Math.pow (2.0, exponent)); // fr
return freq;
public static SoundSample[] createSineWave (double freq, double amplitude)
Sound s = new Sound ((int)((.125) * (22050)));
int samplingRate = (int)(s.getSamplingRate());
int rawValue = 0;
int value = 0;
int interval = (int)(1.0 / freq);
int samplesPerCycle = (int)(interval * samplingRate);
int maxValue =(int)( 2 * Math.PI);
SoundSample[] tempArray = s.getSamples();
int index;
for (int i = 0 ; i < s.getLength(); ++i )
rawValue = (int)(Math.sin ((i / samplesPerCycle) * maxValue));
value = (int) (amplitude * rawValue);
//s = null;
return tempArray;
public static double getAmp (double freq, String noteLetter)
double samplesPerCycle = 22050 / freq;
double sampleIndex = 22050 / 8;
double wavePoint = sampleIndex / samplesPerCycle;
double rawSample = Math.sin (wavePoint * 2.0 * Math.PI);
double amplitude = rawSample * 20000;
return amplitude;
I am trying to combine notes that a user will input and be able to take their frequency and amplitudes and be able to create a .wav file that will output the sound. When I try to compile the current code, I keep receiving a nullpointerexception error at line
I believe that I have incorrectly set up my arrays and may have caused memory leaks in my program.
You declare your array here
But then you never populate it's values, and you try to use it here:
When you try to use it though, your array looks like this:
You attempt to call
on an element inside of it. Because you've not populatedssarrFS
, this amounts to:And because
does not refer to an object in memory, this will throw yourNullPointerException