Null Reference when access created sprite from other scripts [C#]

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I want to load dynamic image from external folder and set into sprite at runtime, but there is two scripts for accessing those image. When I click Button Previous or Button Next, then I call sprite variable from other script , editor show error null reference. How can I access from other script, here the scripts


using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using System.IO;

public class LoadAssetH2H : MonoBehaviour {

string[] picPathHome = new string[11];
byte[] picBytesHome;
public Texture2D[] picTex2DHome = new Texture2D[11];
public SpriteRenderer picSRHome;
public Sprite[] picSPHome = new Sprite[11];

string[] picPathAway = new string[11];
byte[] picBytesAway;
public Texture2D[] picTex2DAway = new Texture2D[11];
public SpriteRenderer picSRAway;
public Sprite[] picSPAway = new Sprite[11];

void Awake()
    picSRHome = GameObject.Find ("PlayerHomePic").GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ();
    picSRAway = GameObject.Find ("PlayerAwayPic").GetComponent<SpriteRenderer> ();

    for (int x =0; x<11; x++) 
        picPathHome[x] = Application.dataPath + "/Head To Head/HomeP"+(x+1)+".png";
            picBytesHome = File.ReadAllBytes(picPathHome[x]);
            picTex2DHome[x] = new Texture2D(256,256);

            picSPHome [x] = Sprite.Create (picTex2DHome [x], new Rect (0, 0, picTex2DHome [x].width, picTex2DHome [x].height), new Vector2 (0, 0));

        picPathAway[x] = Application.dataPath + "/Head To Head/AwayP"+(x+1)+".png";
            picBytesAway = File.ReadAllBytes(picPathAway[x]);
            picTex2DAway[x] = new Texture2D(256,256);

            picSPAway [x] = Sprite.Create (picTex2DAway [x], new Rect (0, 0, picTex2DAway [x].width, picTex2DAway [x].height), new Vector2 (0, 0));

    picSRHome.sprite = picSPHome [0];
    picSRAway.sprite = picSPAway [0];

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {


// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {



using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Button : MonoBehaviour {

LoadAssetH2H loadAssetH2H;

int counterH2H = 0;

// Use this for initialization
void Start () {


// Update is called once per frame
void Update () {


void OnMouseUp()
    if ( == "BtnStanding") 

    if ( == "BtnHeadToHead") 
    if ( == "BtnStatistic") 
    if ( == "BtnFormation") 
    if ( == "BtnPrev") 

            loadAssetH2H.picSRHome .sprite = loadAssetH2H.picSPHome [counterH2H];
            loadAssetH2H.picSRAway .sprite = loadAssetH2H.picSPAway [counterH2H];
    if ( == "BtnNext") 

            loadAssetH2H.picSRHome .sprite = loadAssetH2H.picSPHome [counterH2H];
            loadAssetH2H.picSRAway .sprite = loadAssetH2H.picSPAway [counterH2H];

I would appreciate any suggestion. Thank you!


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