I'm using a menu item to set the column text field to editable. This is what I tried, but there is simply no response (no text is turned editable). (I have logged, and the method is called, and the textfield is not null.)
- (IBAction)setEditable:(id)sender
NSInteger selectedRow = [_tableView selectedRow];
NSInteger selectedColumn = [_tableView selectedColumn];
NSTableCellView *selectedCell = [_tableView viewAtColumn:selectedColumn row:selectedRow makeIfNecessary:NO];
[selectedCell.textField setEditable:YES];
Does this have to be done in another way? The textfield is also set as editable in IB, so it works by double clicking on it, but I also want the option in the context menu.
A text field is "editable" if it's possible to edit it, that is give it focus.
does not initiate editing, which is what you seem to think given that you expect the above code to do the same as double-clicking the field. It just sets a flag on the text field that governs what the text field allows to be done. You can check the flag with-isEditable
.If you want to initiate editing, you should make the text field the window's first responder using:
If your action method may be invoked when the window is not key, you may want to also do
[_tableView.window makeKeyAndOrderFront:self]