When using NSImage
's imageNamed:
method to get the icon for the current computer, if I'm running on a Mac Mini, then I get a low resolution image. If I run the same code from my MacBook, then I get a high-res icon like I'd expect.
My code is as follows:
NSImage *image;
image = [NSImage imageNamed:@"NSComputer"];
[image setSize: NSMakeSize(512,512)];
NSData * tiffData = [image TIFFRepresentation];
NSBitmapImageRep *bitmap = [NSBitmapImageRep imageRepWithData:tiffData];
data = [bitmap representationUsingType:NSPNGFileType properties:nil];
mime = @"image/png";
When I run that on my MacBook, everything works great and I get a 512x512 icon of the my computer. When I run it on my Mac Mini, i get a 32x32 icon that's been upscaled to 512x512.
Any ideas on how I can get the high-res version?
I believe that image comes from
The Mac mini icon is named
. You may want to check if that file contains a 512x512 icon on your machine (it does on mine, running Snow Leopard)'For debugging purposes, you should also send the output of
to verify that the icon does or does not have a 512x512 version.Edit:
The 10.6 AppKit Release Notes has quite a bit on the updated relationship between NSImage and CGImage.
On Snow Leopard, you can get the full resolution image by converting to a CGImageRef:
From there, you can create a new NSImage from the CGImageRef, or use the CGImageDestination* APIs to write a png file.