I have data inside an array (NSHTTPCookieStorage)...
NSARRAY *httpCookies = [[NSHTTPCookieStorage sharedHTTPCookieStorage] cookiesForURL:aHttpUrl];
I know for a fact that there are 3 cookies being stored (as I can see them in an NSLog).
I don't know how to obtain 1 specific cookies value based on the "name".
Example: <NSHTTPCookie version:0 name:\"username\" value:\"namehere\" expiresDate:2035-08-3 23:12:50 +0000 created:2015-08-08 23:12:49 +0000 (4.60768e+08) sessionOnly:FALSE domain:\"somedomain.com\" path:\"/example\" isSecure:FALSE>
...how do I get the contents of "value" so I can work with it as a string?
Like so
or three cookies,
etc, etc, etc, do this will all cookies using key values
Manipulate cookies:
using this: header for category "NSString+Cookie.h"
Implementation file for category "NSString+Cookie.m"