NSColorWell in an NSTableView in swift

543 views Asked by At

Anybody have any good suggestions for getting an NSColorWell into an NSTableView? Most other widgets work great, since thery're based around cells, but NSColorWell doesn't have a corresponding NSColorWellCell.


There are 2 answers

vadian On

In a view based table view the most convenient solution is Cocoa Bindings. You can bind the value of the color well to an NSColor instance of your model.

Without Cocoa Bindings create an IBAction method in the target view controller

@IBAction func colorDidChange(_ sender: NSColorWell)
    let row = tableView.row(for: sender)
    let column = tableView.column(for: sender)
    print(row, column, sender.color)

In Interface Builder control drag from the color well to the view controller and connect the action. The action will print row, column and the new color. tableView is the NSTableView outlet.

If there are multiple color wells in the same view you could assign different tags to distinguish the color wells

thierryH On

I solved my problem without Binding Cocoa I updated the view and everything works fine by upgrading NSTableCellView (the last 3 lines) in the real program which is a program of account there is too much relation between the tableview and the outlineview, the filters that made me redo a lot of work by making the binding

Thanks for your help

class ColorsController:  NSWindowController  {

@IBOutlet var colorTable: NSTableView!

let tableViewData =
    [["firstName":"John","lastName":"Doe","emailId":"[email protected]"],
     ["firstName":"Jane","lastName":"Doe","emailId":"[email protected]"]]

var color = [NSColor.red, NSColor.blue]

override func windowDidLoad() {

@IBAction func actionColorWell(_ sender: NSColorWell) {

    let row = colorTable.row(for: sender as NSView)
    color[row] =  sender.color
    let select1 : IndexSet = [row]
    colorTable.selectRowIndexes(select1, byExtendingSelection: false)

extension ColorsController : NSTableViewDataSource, NSTableViewDelegate{
func numberOfRows(in tableView: NSTableView) -> Int {
    return tableViewData.count

func tableView(_ tableView: NSTableView, viewFor tableColumn: NSTableColumn?, row: Int) -> NSView?{

    let identifier = (tableColumn?.identifier)!
    switch identifier.rawValue {
    case "firstName" :
        let  result  = tableView.makeView(withIdentifier: identifier, owner: self) as! NSTableCellView
        result.textField?.stringValue = tableViewData[row][(tableColumn?.identifier.rawValue)!]!
        result.textField?.textColor = color[row]
        return result

    case "lastName" :
        let  result  = tableView.makeView(withIdentifier: identifier, owner: self) as! NSTableCellView
        result.textField?.stringValue = tableViewData[row][(tableColumn?.identifier.rawValue)!]!
        result.textField?.textColor = color[row]
        return result

    case "emailId" :
        let  result  = tableView.makeView(withIdentifier: identifier, owner: self) as! KSDataCellView
        result.textField?.stringValue = tableViewData[row][(tableColumn?.identifier.rawValue)!]!
        result.textField?.textColor = color[row]
        result.colorWell.color = color[row]
        return result

    case "color" :
        let result = tableView.makeView(withIdentifier: identifier, owner: self) as! NSColorWell
        result.color = color[row]
        return result

        return nil

class KSDataCellView: NSTableCellView {

    @IBOutlet weak var colorWell:NSColorWell!