If I want to show that a problem is np-hard is it ok to use a existing np-hard problem multiple times? For example use Hamiltonian Cycle n times in a graph where n is the number of vertices? Or do I need to transform the graph into something that can easily be solved by an existing np-hard problem used 1 time?
Np-hardness reduction
464 views Asked by Mads Andersen At
There are 3 answers
I'm not a mathematician, but surely if you can prove that the problem in question is at least as complex as an existing known-to-be-NP-hard problem, or multiples thereof, than that should be sufficient proof? Common sense would suggest that if skinning a leopard is more complex than skinning 2 cats, then its more complex than skinning one cat, and so on!
You need to show the exact oposite.
It doesn't prove anything if you prove you can solve your problem with an NP-Hard problem. [You can solve every problem in NP using SAT, by Cook-Levin Theorem].
You need to show that if your problem is solvable in polynomial time - so is an NP-Hard problem. That what a reduction actually does.
For example: If I can show I can solve shortest path, using TSP - does it make shortest path NP-Hard? Of course not! It only shows TSP is at least as hard as shortest path!