Now what after authorizing credit card in 2checkout?

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I went through this tutorial to integrate 2checkout to my django project.

When I enter the proper credit card info, it is returning this message:

Successfully authorized the provided credit card

Does this mean that payment was carried out?

What is next? Should I just give this message to the user and that is it? or what?

EDIT: this is what I am sending to 2checkout, after getting the token

args = {
        'merchantOrderId': '123',
        'token': request.POST["token"],
        'currency': 'USD',
        'total': '5.89',
        'billingAddr': {
            'name': 'Testing Tester',
            'addrLine1': '123 Test St',
            'city': 'Columbus',
            'state': 'OH',
            'zipCode': '43123',
            'country': 'USA',
            'email': '[email protected]',
            'phoneNumber': '555-555-5555'

result = twocheckout.Charge.authorize(args)

This is what result includes (dict(result)):

{u'responseMsg': u'Successfully authorized the provided credit card', u'responseCode': u'APPROVED', u'shippingAddr': {u'city': None, u'phoneExtension': None, u'country': None, u'addrLine2': None, u'zipCode': None, u'addrLine1': None, u'state': None, u'phoneNumber': None, u'email': None, u'name': None}, u'orderNumber': u'9093719318841', u'currencyCode': u'USD', u'merchantOrderId': u'123', u'errors': None, u'recurrentInstallmentId': None, u'total': u'5.89', u'transactionId': u'9093719318850', u'lineItems': [{u'tangible': u'N', u'description': u'', u'quantity': u'1', u'type': u'product', u'price': u'5.89', u'recurrence': None, u'duration': None, u'productId': u'', u'startupFee': None, u'options': [], u'name': u'123'}], u'type': u'AuthResponse', u'billingAddr': {u'city': u'Columbus', u'phoneExtension': None, u'country': u'USA', u'addrLine2': None, u'zipCode': u'43123', u'addrLine1': u'123 Test St', u'state': u'OH', u'phoneNumber': u'555-555-5555', u'email': u'[email protected]', u'name': u'Testing Tester'}}

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