When a user includes @another-user in a comment, I'd like to notify the another-user
about it.
I've been using activity stream (django implementation is here, but this question has nothing to do with django), and I could make each user to follow himself to make the system work for this scenario.
user-a mentions user-b in post-1
If each user follows himself, he would get notification about the above activity.
Still, I'm not comfortable with the idea of one following oneself, feel like abusing the system.
Is there a better design for this mention
I'm not sure about django activity streams, have a look at some of the alternatives: https://www.djangopackages.com/grids/g/activities/
For getstream.io for instance you would simply use the TO support: https://getstream.io/docs/#targetting
Also using Stream-Framework you could achieve this by sending an extra list of feeds to fanout to.
Cheers, Thierry