Notification like Toast but with longer duration

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I have to create a notification like an android toast notification but I need to throw it from a service and I need to close it when I want. standard toast notification would be perfect, but it's too much short.

I tried with a DialogFragment, but it takes the focus (not like toast) and I could not throw it from a service, but only from a FragmentActivity.



There are 2 answers

Naveen Tamrakar On BEST ANSWER
            Toast toast = new Toast(this);
            TextView textView=new TextView(this);
            textView.setText("My Toast For Long Time");
            toast.setGravity(Gravity.CENTER_VERTICAL, 0, 0);


          timer =new CountDownTimer(20000, 1000)
                public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished)
                public void onFinish()

Simas On

From a quick search in SO, you can find the Toast durations:

private static final int LONG_DELAY = 3500; // 3.5 seconds
private static final int SHORT_DELAY = 2000; // 2 seconds

Now you can display multiple Toasts one after the other to look like it has a longer duration:

final String msg = "Some text";
Runnable delayedToast = new Runnable() {
    public void run() {
        Toast.makeText(ctx, msg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

Toast.makeText(ctx, msg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 
mHandler.postDelayed(delayedToast, 3000);
mHandler.postDelayed(delayedToast, 6000);

Where ctx is your activity/application context and mHandler is a handler on the UI Thread. The duration should be around 3000+3000+3500.