I am trying to create a Google Action for Rocket Chat and username and channelname are important parameters to complete an intent. However when I try saying other than the listed entity values, Assistant does not recognise it.
I am using Dialogflow V2 for development and I have already added around to 30-40 entity values and training phrases but only ones that are listed in entity slot values list gets recognised while trying other ones just give a blank value in response. I have attached some photos of my intents and entities along with response for both listed and unlisted value below.
Username Entity Slot Values
Channelname Entity Slot Values
Sample Intent
Parameters used in an Intent
Response On Using A Listed Parameter Value
Response On Using An Unlisted Parameter Value
I tried using required setting in parameters with setting prompts if a value is not passed but it simply reprompts 3-4 times and then the assistant crashes.
An entity type is intentionally a fixed enum. If you never created defined 'actions developers' as a channel name type, it is not going to be processed as an entity.
If you want to handle any channel name, you should replace your entity with the type @sys.any. This will allow you to capture any value and process it.
When using this, be prepared to do a lot of testing and create a lot of training phrases in order to ensure that you only capture the text that you want to capture and nothing surrounding it.