I'm using Kitematic to start my Docker containers. I'm trying to start the latest Neo4j container (3.2) and I cannot access the DB via the web browser because it requires authentication.
I tried to disable it via the environment variables (NEO4J_AUTH
) but that doesn't solve the problem.The standard passw/user neo4j/neo4j doesn't work
Any ideas how to set the authentication via Kitematic?
I have the same problem here but I can tell you why this is happening:
As you are using windows, you need to access Neo4J browser tool via the Docker Machine, that port forwards your request to the neo4j container. The forwarded request is basically an authentication request.
The problem is CHROME does not allow unsecured transfer of credentials and the forwarded request fall into that category. This is an issue that comes from chrome and not the Neo4J server. I'm still trying to find an elegant way of solving this for my students that uses windows.
The easiest way would be to connect to the neo4j container directly (which can be done in linux and mac).