Not assigning data from java VO to Flex VO using cairngorm

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I have a few values in Java VO, and using cairgorm framework, i had mapping the Java VO to Action script VO in Flex and given same variables name as java Vo variables name. Now the Vo is mapping fine and when looking the result all variables are displaying as null. Can i know the reason for that.Java returning list of VO's.

package com.configuration
    import com.adobe.cairngorm.vo.IValueObject;
    import mx.collections.ArrayCollection; import mx.resources.ResourceManager;

    public class ProgressState implements IValueObject
        public function ProgressState(){}
        public var ssn:String;
        public var objectType:ObjectTypeEnum;
        public var totalObjectCount:int;
        public var completedObjectCount:int;
        public var failedObjectCount:int;
        public static const TOTAL_COUNT_NOT_SET:int = -1;

Thanks, Ravi


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