Not able to update mongo in bulk using updateone with upsert

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I am facing a problem. I am trying to update if already exists else insert if not present. I am using Bulk API of spring-mongo driver.

DBCollection dbCollection = mongoTemplate.getCollection("supcInfo");
        BulkWriteOperation bulkWriteOperation = dbCollection.initializeUnorderedBulkOperation();
BulkUpdateRequestBuilder builder = bulkWriteOperation.find(new BasicDBObject("_id", supcInfo.getSupc())).upsert();
BasicDBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject("$set",new BasicDBObject("_id", supcInfo.getSupc()));
         dbObject = dbObject.append("$set",new BasicDBObject("pogId", supcInfo.getPogId()));
         dbObject = dbObject.append("$set",new BasicDBObject("mrp", supcInfo.getMrp()));
         dbObject = dbObject.append("$set",new BasicDBObject("price", supcInfo.getPrice()));
         dbObject = dbObject.append("$set",new BasicDBObject("primarySellerCode", supcInfo.getPrimarySellerCode()));
         dbObject =  dbObject.append("$set",new BasicDBObject("camsEnabled", supcInfo.isCamsEnabled()));
         dbObject =  dbObject.append("$set",new BasicDBObject("availability", supcInfo.getAvailability()));
         dbObject = dbObject.append("$set",new BasicDBObject("updateTs", supcInfo.getUpdateTs()));

But all fields are not getting updated. Can any one tell me reason and replaceOne works fine but It will recreate Index if there are any.


There are 1 answers


You don't need the bulk write operations here. You can use the regular update and you should be fine.

Your usage of DBObject is incorrect. You are overwriting the $set key.

BasicDBObject updateFields = new BasicDBObject("pogId", supcInfo.getPogId()).append("mrp", supcInfo.getMrp()); // Rest of fields.
BasicDBObject dbObject = new BasicDBObject("$set",updateFields);