Not able to Select,Join on a attribute in dataset Apache spark java

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We are not able to perform any of the select join and other operation in apachae spark java for the field uniqueidrowid

Bellow is code using to join two dataset.

  ManufacturerFileContent = ManufacturerFileContent .join(masterFileContent ,masterFileContent .col("uniqueidrowid").equalTo(ManufacturerFileContent .col("uniqueidrowidManufacturer")));

We even tried adding backtick(`) and also renamed the column to different name and we also tried adding separate column monotonically_increasing_id and then joining using that common column all efforts are failed .

    |uniqueidrowid          |               prods|Prefix|             Prod ID| Normalized Manufacturer  |
    |     0x000000000835ae0a|        aa 96K107   |   QQa|            9396K107|                      null|
    |     0x000000000835ae0b|     ff S-641-F-88  |   THa|         dS-641-F-88|                      null|
    |     0x000000000835ae0c|    gg Sff RIG-2549 |   GaE|        SfM RIG-2549|                      null|

we tried monotonically increasing to create new column to join but the problem is not solved

masterFileContent = masterFileContent.repartition(1).withColumn("rowidsource", monotonically_increasing_id());

org.apache.spark.sql.AnalysisException: Cannot resolve column name "uniqueidrowid" among (uniqueidrowid, prods, Prefix,...


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