% input problem mesh
node = [ 0 0;
20 0;
20 15;
0 15]*12;
conn = [1 2;
1 3;
2 4;
2 3;
4 3;
1 4];
% properties
A = 1.0;
E = 10e6;
% boundary conditions
P = 1000;
isol = [3 4 5 6 ]; %unconstrained dof
%-----------------END OF INPUT----------------------
nn = size(node,1); %number of nodes
ne = size(conn,1); %number of elements
ndof = 2*nn; % number of dof
K = zeros(ndof,ndof); %global stiffness matrix
d = zeros(ndof, 1); %displacement vector
for e=1:ne %loop through all the elements
x1=node(n1,1); y1=node(n1,2); % x and y coordinate for the first node
x2=node(n2,1); y2=node(n2,2); %x and y coordinate for the second node
L =sqrt( (x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y2)^2 ); %Length of the element
C = (x2-x1)/L; %Cosine
S = (y2-y1)/L; %Sine
C2 = C*C; % Cosine square
S2 = S*S; % Sine square
CS = C*S;
ke =(A*E/L)*[ C2 CS -C2 -CS;
CS S2 -CS -S2;
-C2 -CS C2 CS;
-CS -S2 CS S2 ]; %Stiffness matrix for element e
sctr = [2*n1-1 2*n1 2*n2-1 2*n2]; %Location where ke is to scatter
%in the global stiffness matrix
%scatter array
K(sctr,sctr) = K(sctr,sctr) + ke;
%solve for the nodal displacement, d
d(isol) = K(isol,isol)\f(isol);
fprintf('\n N o d a l D i s p l a c e m e n t\n')
fprintf( ' NID X-Force Y-Force\n')
for i=1:nn
fprintf('%5d %8.3e %8.3e\n',i,d(2*i-1),d(2*i))
%compute the reaction forces
f = K*d;
fprintf('\n E x t e r n a l F o r c e s\n')
fprintf(' NID X-FORCE Y-FORCE\n')
for i=1:nn
fprintf('%5d %8.3e %8.3e\n',i,f(2*i-1),f(2*i))
%compute the element stress
fprintf('\n E l e m e n t S t r e s s\n')
fprintf('EID STRAIN STRESS\n')
for e = 1:ne
n1 = conn(e,1);
n2 = conn(e,2);
x1 = node(n1,1); y1 = node(n1,2);
x2 = node(n2,1); y2 = node(n2,2);
L = sqrt((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2);
C =(x2-x1)/L;
S =(y2-y1)/L;
B = 1/L*[-C -S C S]; %the element b matrix
sctr = [2*n1-1 2*n1 2*n2-1 2*n2 ];
strain = B*d(sctr);
stress = E*strain;
fprintf('% 5d %8.3e %8.3e\n',i,strain,stress)
Here the value of C
is 0 and value of S
is 1 but C2 = C * C
, S2 = S * S
, CS = C * S
are giving NaN
as output. How can I prevent NaN
value to get the actual values of S2
, C2
, CS
obtained by the arithmetic operation? This is a finite element analysis code done in MATLAB.
Seems this is an error (as @Adiel said in comments)
L =sqrt( (x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y2)^2 ); %Length of the element
, which should bey2-y1