It's my first time posting here and it seems like latex is not working, so I posted some part as an image.
Reference for Relaxation method: Computational Physics by Veseley
I have employed the two discussions above in my given nonlinear coupled ODE. The key parameters of the code are the number of grid points n
, number of iteration m
, and the relaxation parameter w
It's easier to obtain a residual tolerance that is of order O(10^{-15})
when considering only Dirichlet conditions on both sides. The problems I encountered are as follows,
- There are a few choices of the parameters
, andw
that lead to a result that does not produce an error, i.e. badly conditioned matrix. However, if I changed a little bit the constants of my setup, sayu(a)
, or even the parametersn
themselves to get more accuracy, then I need to find another, sayw
for fixedn
that leads to a result without error. In general, I could say that my code is not stable given the behavior. - Given that the code works, the Neumann boundary condition is causing an issue since I cannot get a residual tolerance that is small enough like if the Neumann boundary condition were a Dirichlet condition such that it satisfies both the governing equation and the boundary condition.
I have written my code in Mathematica and displayed a working choice.
(*Equation setup*)
u0 = 10;
m = (1/u[x] - 1/u0);
f = 1 - m z[x]^(d + 1);
L = (Sqrt[-f u'[x]^2 - 2 u'[x] z'[x] + 1]/z[x]^d);(*Lagrangian*)
eq1 = EulerEquations[L, u[x], x];(*Euler-Lagrange equations*)
eq2 = EulerEquations[L, z[x], x];
s = Solve[{eq1, eq2} /. d -> 3, {u''[x], z''[x]}][[1]] // Simplify;
eq01 = (u''[x] - s[[1, 2]]);(*eq01 & eq02 are the nonlinear coupled ODEs*)
eq02 = (z''[x] - s[[2, 2]]);
(*Finite difference and construction of the residual*)
n = 800;(*number of grid points*)
h = (b - a)/(n - 1);(*Step size*)
a = 10^-1;(*a & b are the domain*)
b = 5;
ui = 5;(*ui, zi, are the Dirichlet boundary conditions*)
zi = 10^-1;
uf = 9;(*uf, zf, are the test values for the final grid points u[n], z[n]*)
zf = 5;
up = 0;(*up & zp are the Neumann boundary conditions which is incorporated into the residual down below*)
zp = 0;
rule = {u''[x] -> ((u[i + 1] - 2 u[i] + u[i - 1])/h^2), u'[x] -> ((u[i + 1] - u[i - 1])/(2 h)), u[x] -> u[i], z''[x] -> ((z[i + 1] - 2 z[i] + z[i - 1])/h^2), z'[x] -> ((z[i + 1] - z[i - 1])/(2 h)), z[x] -> z[i]};(*finite difference rule for the interior points*)
resid1 = h^2 eq01 /. rule;(*resid1 & resid2 are the interior points' residuals*)
resid2 = h^2 eq02 /. rule;
residbound1 = (-u[n - 2] + 8 u[n - 1] - 7 u[n] + 6 up h) - 2 h^2 s[[1, 2]] /. {d -> 3, u[x] -> u[n], z[x] -> z[n], u'[x] -> up, z'[x] -> zp};(*residbound1 & residbound2 are the residuals at grid point n*)
residbound2 = (-z[n - 2] + 8 z[n - 1] - 7 z[n] + 6 zp h) - 2 h^2 s[[2, 2]] /. {d -> 3, u[x] -> u[n], z[x] -> z[n], u'[x] -> up, z'[x] -> zp};
(*Construction of sparse matrix*)
parresid1 = {D[resid1, u[i - 1]], D[resid1, z[i - 1]], D[resid1, u[i]], D[resid1, z[i]], D[resid1, u[i + 1]], D[resid1, z[i + 1]]};(*partial derivative of the residual*)
parresid2 = {D[resid2, u[i - 1]], D[resid2, z[i - 1]], D[resid2, u[i]], D[resid2, z[i]], D[resid2, u[i + 1]], D[resid2, z[i + 1]]};
parresidbound1 = D[residbound1, {{u[n - 2], z[n - 2], u[n - 1], z[n - 1], u[n], z[n]}}];(*partial derivative of the boundary residual*)
parresidbound2 = D[residbound2, {{u[n - 2], z[n - 2], u[n - 1], z[n - 1], u[n], z[n]}}];
mat = {parresid1, parresid2};
sparseresidual = Normal[SparseArray[Table[Band[{2 (i - 2) + 1, 2 (i - 2) + 1}] -> {mat}, {i, 2, n - 1}]]];
sparse = Join[{Join[{1}, ConstantArray[0, 2 n - 1]]}, {Join[{0, 1}, ConstantArray[0, 2 n - 2]]}, sparseresidual, {Join[ConstantArray[0, 2 n - 6], parresidbound1]}, {Join[ConstantArray[0, 2 n - 6], parresidbound2]}];(*sparse matrix*)
(*Solve the nonlinear system of equations through Newton's method*)
m = 50;(*number of iterations*)
w = 0.005;(*relaxation parameter*)
init[0] = MapThread[{#1, #2} &, {Join[{ui}, Reverse[Table[((ui - uf)/(b - a)) (i - a) + uf, {i, a + h, b - h, h}]], {uf}], Join[{zi}, Reverse[Table[((zi - zf)/(b - a)) (i - a) + zf, {i, a + h, b - h, h}]], {zf}]}] // Flatten;(*Initial test values*)
For[j = 0, j <= m, j++, residuals = Table[{{resid1}, {resid2}} /. i -> j, {j, 2, n - 1}] // Flatten;
DFxmat = sparse /. {u[i_] :> init[j][[2 i - 1]], z[i_] :> init[j][[2 i]]};
Residvec = Join[{0, 0}, residuals /. {u[i_] :> init[j][[2 i - 1]], z[i_] :> init[j][[2 i]]}, {residbound1, residbound2}/. {u[i_] :> init[j][[2 i - 1]], z[i_] :> init[j][[2 i]]}];
init[j + 1] = init[j] + w LinearSolve[DFxmat, -Residvec]] // AbsoluteTiming
(*Residual tolerance of Dirichlet boundary at x=a PLUS interior points*)
ResidTol = Total[((Table[(Abs[resid1]) /. i -> j, {j, 2, n - 1}]) + (Table[(Abs[resid2]) /. i -> j, {j, 2, n - 1}])) /. {u[i_] :> init[j][[2 i - 1]], z[i_] :> init[j][[2 i]]}]/(2 n);
Print["Residual Tolerance = ", ResidTol]
Residual Tolerance = 0.00009350635229
(*Residual tolerance of Dirichlet boundary at x=a PLUS interior points PLUS Neumann boundary at x=b*)
ResidTol = Total[((Table[(Abs[resid1]) /. i -> j, {j, 2, n - 1}]) + (Table[(Abs[resid2]) /. i -> j, {j, 2, n - 1}]) + (Abs[residbound1]) + (Abs[residbound2])) /. {u[i_] :> init[j][[2 i - 1]], z[i_] :> init[j][[2 i]]}]/(2 n);
Print["Residual Tolerance = ", ResidTol]
Residual Tolerance = 0.02602675038
(*Gather data points*)
listu = Take[init[m], {1, -1, 2}];
listz = Take[init[m], {2, -1, 2}];
range = Range[a, b, h];
Listu = MapThread[{#1, #2} &, {range, listu}];
Listz = MapThread[{#1, #2} &, {range, listz}];
uapprox = Interpolation[Listu, InterpolationOrder -> 8, Method -> "Spline"];
zapprox = Interpolation[Listz, InterpolationOrder -> 8, Method -> "Spline"];
Plot[{uapprox[x], zapprox[x]}, {x, a, b}, Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {"x"}, LabelStyle -> Directive[Black, 20], PlotStyle -> {{Green, Thickness[0.005]}, {Blue, Thickness[0.005]}}, PlotRange -> Full, ImageSize -> Large]