I'm trying to script a 10 chemical reaction system (image link below) with 8 components (so 8 ODEs) in order to get the reactor volume, but I'm getting negative values for most of the components. It may be something to do with the molar balances or the script itself so if anyone with some chemical background can look into it, I would apreciate it!
2,00e-06 48000 2,50e-13 -175000 0 0 0 0,76
23,20 182000 8,30e-14 -186000 2,30e-12 -124000 1 0,40
5,20e-07 68000 3,60e-14 -187000 0 0 0 0,85
0,00011 104000 4,00e-13 -168000 0 0 1 0,55
0,17 157000 4,50e-13 -166000 0 0 0 0,37
0,06 166000 1,60e-13 -211000 0 0 1 0,96
12000000 226000 0 0 0 0 0 0
9300 300000 0 0 0 0 0 0
0,00019 173000 0 0 0 0 1 1
0,026 220000 0 0 0 0 1 1
Function (OCML.m):
function dFdV = OCML( V , F0 , par , T , Pt)
%% Initial conditions
F = sum(F0);
y = F0./F;
pp = y * Pt;
p_CH4 = pp(1) ;
p_O2 = pp(2) ;
p_CO2 = pp(3) ;
p_H2O = pp(4) ;
p_C2H6 = pp(5) ;
p_CO = pp(6) ;
p_C2H4 = pp(7) ;
p_H2 = pp(8) ;
%% Parameters
ko = par(:,1) ;
Ea = par(:,2) ;
KCO2 = par(:,3) ;
DHadCO2 = par(:,4) ;
KO2 = par(:,5) ;
DHadO2 = par(:,6) ;
m = par(:,7) ;
n = par(:,8) ;
R = 8.314462 ;
ro_cat = 3600000 ; % g/m3
%% Stoichiometric coefficients matrix
N = [ -1 -2 1 2 0 0 0 0 ;
-2 -0.5 0 1 1 0 0 0 ;
-1 -1 0 1 0 1 0 1 ;
0 -0.5 1 0 0 1 0 0 ;
0 -0.5 0 1 -1 0 1 0 ;
0 -2 0 2 0 2 -1 0 ;
0 0 0 0 -1 0 1 1 ;
0 0 0 -2 0 2 -1 4 ;
0 0 1 -1 0 -1 0 1 ;
0 0 -1 1 0 1 0 -1 ; ];
%% Reaction Rates
% Reaction 1
exp1 = exp(-Ea(1)/(R*T)) ;
exp_ad1 = exp(-DHadCO2(1)/(R*T)) ;
denom1 = 1 + KCO2(1) * exp_ad1 * p_CO2 ;
r1 = ( ko(1) * exp1 * p_CH4^m(1) * p_O2^n(1) ) / denom1 ;
% Reaction 2
exp2 = exp(-Ea(2)/(R*T)) ;
exp_ad2a = exp(-DHadO2(2)/(R*T)) ;
exp_ad2b = exp(-DHadCO2(2)/(R*T)) ;
denom2 = 1 + KO2(2) * exp_ad2a * p_O2 + KCO2(2) * exp_ad2b * p_CO2 ;
r2 = ( ko(2) * exp2 * ( KO2(2) * exp_ad2a * p_O2 )^n(2) * p_CH4 ) / denom2^2 ;
% Reaction 3
exp3 = exp(-Ea(3)/(R*T)) ;
exp_ad3 = exp(-DHadCO2(3)/(R*T)) ;
denom3 = 1 + KCO2(3) * exp_ad3 * p_CO2 ;
r3 = ( ko(3) * exp3 * p_CH4^m(3) * p_O2^n(3) ) / denom3 ;
% Reaction 4
exp4 = exp(-Ea(4)/(R*T)) ;
exp_ad4 = exp(-DHadCO2(4)/(R*T)) ;
denom4 = 1 + KCO2(4) * exp_ad4 * p_CO2 ;
r4 = ( ko(4) * exp4 * p_CO^m(4) * p_O2^n(4) ) / denom4 ;
% Reaction 5
exp5 = exp(-Ea(5)/(R*T)) ;
exp_ad5 = exp(-DHadCO2(5)/(R*T)) ;
denom5 = 1 + KCO2(5) * exp_ad5 * p_CO2 ;
r5 = ( ko(5) * exp5 * p_C2H6^m(5) * p_O2^n(5) ) / denom5 ;
% Reaction 6
exp6 = exp(-Ea(6)/(R*T)) ;
exp_ad6 = exp(-DHadCO2(6)/(R*T)) ;
denom6 = 1 + KCO2(6) * exp_ad6 * p_CO2 ;
r6 = ( ko(6) * exp6 * p_C2H4^m(6) * p_O2^n(6) ) / denom6 ;
% Reaction 7
exp7 = exp(-Ea(7)/(R*T)) ;
r7 = ko(7)* exp7 * p_C2H6 * ro_cat ;
% Reaction 8
exp8 = exp(-Ea(8)/(R*T)) ;
r8 = ko(8)* exp8 * p_C2H4^m(8) * p_H2O^n(8) ;
% Reaction 9
exp9 = exp(-Ea(9)/(R*T)) ;
r9 = ko(9)* exp9 * p_CO^m(9) * p_H2O^n(9) ;
% Reaction 10
exp10 = exp(-Ea(10)/(R*T)) ;
r10 = ko(10)* exp10 * p_CO2^m(10) * p_H2^n(10) ;
r_vector = [ r1 r2 r3 r4 r5 r6 r7 r8 r9 r10 ]' ;
%% Molar balances (dFx/dV)
dF_CH4dV = sum(N(:,1).*r_vector)*ro_cat ;
dF_O2dV = sum(N(:,2).*r_vector)*ro_cat ;
dF_CO2dV = sum(N(:,3).*r_vector)*ro_cat ;
dF_H2OdV = sum(N(:,4).*r_vector)*ro_cat ;
dF_C2H6dV = sum(N(:,5).*r_vector)*ro_cat ;
dF_COdV = sum(N(:,6).*r_vector)*ro_cat ;
dF_C2H4dV = sum(N(:,7).*r_vector)*ro_cat ;
dF_H2dV = sum(N(:,8).*r_vector)*ro_cat ;
dFdV = [ dF_CH4dV dF_O2dV dF_CO2dV dF_H2OdV dF_C2H6dV dF_COdV dF_C2H4dV dF_H2dV ]' ;
clear; clc; close all ; format long
%% Data
T = 273.15 + 850;
Pt = 101325;
% Methane and O2 feed
F0 = [ 27.77777778 9.259259259 0 0 0 0 0 0 ];
% Volume vector
V = 0.0:0.1:1 ;
% ODE solver
OCML_model = @(V,F0)[OCML(V,F0,par,T,Pt)] ;
[ V, F_vector ] = ode15s(OCML_model,V,F0) ;
if you have not mass-balance equations which involve fractions, like Michaƫlis-Menten enzymatic kinetics, they usually serve as some quasi-steady state approximations, which might fail under low concentrations of the reagents. This could be one reason of negative values.
As a putty, you can use
options = odeset('NonNegative',1);
. Which might give you still corrupted results.But first check the equations, and start first with plain mass-action, and grow your system gradually. Then you'll see after which addition it fails. This is the main merit of minimal working example concept.