node.js sending ajax request using "request/request" package sends no data to server

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I'm trying to send some data to php script from node.js script using library but it seems like lib is sending no data.

My test.js:

var request = require('request');

var value = {
    trueProperty: true,
    falseProperty: false,
    numberProperty: -98346.34698,
    stringProperty: 'string',
    nullProperty: null,
    arrayProperty: ['array'],
    objectProperty: { object: 'property' }

var options = {
    method: 'POST',
    uri: '',
    json: true,
    body: value,

request(options, function (error, response, json) {
    if (!error && response.statusCode == 200) {                                                     
    } else {
        console.log('Error has occurred:');


            console.log("Response status code: " + response.statusCode);

My test.php script:


echo json_encode(
        'REQUEST' => $_REQUEST,
        'GET' => $_GET,
        'POST' => $_POST

When I run test.js script the result is:

> node test.js
{ REQUEST: [], GET: [], POST: [] }

Any idea what can be wrong?

Update I modified test.php to return request body:

echo json_encode(
        'REQUEST' => $_REQUEST,
        'GET' => $_GET,
        'POST' => $_POST,
        'BODY' => print_r(file_get_contents('php://input'), true)

now node's output looks like:

{ REQUEST: [],
  GET: [],
  POST: [],
  BODY: '{"trueProperty":true,"falseProperty":false,"numberProperty":-98346.34698,"stringProperty":"string","nullProperty":null,"arrayProperty":["array"],"objectProperty":{"object":"property"}}' }

So it just PHP is not handling data, are they sent incorrectly or something?


There are 1 answers

Mr_KoKa On

Modifying options set by changing body key to form key makes php place variables in $_POST & $_REQUEST arrays, json: true stays as it is, it makes response to our request will be automatically JSON.parse-d.

Updated options looks like:

var options = {
    method: 'POST',
    uri: '',
    json: true,
    form: {
        data: JSON.stringify(value),

Now we can read $_POST['data'] and use json_decode on it.