Good morning, everybody!
I've been looking for the solution in the last days but I really have not managed to succeed: I am trying to make a VBA code to:
- log into SAP,
- run some transactions,
- export to excel.
But even the "log into SAP" part is not OK!
I tried several codes, the one below OPENS the SAP logon screen, but does not fill in any fields.
In the first attempt, I Used CreateObject("Sapgui.ScriptingCtrl.1")
Sub Entrar_SAP()
If Not IsObject(SAPguiApp) Then
Set SAPguiApp = CreateObject("Sapgui.ScriptingCtrl.1")
End If
If Not IsObject(Connection) Then
Set Connection = SAPguiApp.OpenConnection("xxxxxxx)", True)
End If
If Not IsObject(session) Then
Set session = Connection.Children(0)
End If
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtRSYST-MANDT").Text = "100"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtRSYST-BNAME").Text = "user"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/pwdRSYST-BCODE").Text = "pass"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtRSYST-LANGU").Text = "PT"
session.findById("wnd[0]/usr/txtRSYST-LANGU").caretPosition = 2
session.findById("wnd[0]").sendVKey 0
In the second attempt, I tried CreateObject("SAP.Functions")
, it showed:
"RFC error received. No RFC authorization for function module RFC PING"
The code is:
Dim objBAPIControl As Object 'Function Control (Collective object)
Dim sapConnection As Object 'Connection object
Set objBAPIControl = CreateObject("SAP.Functions")
Set sapConnection = objBAPIControl.Connection
sapConnection.Client = "xxxxx"
sapConnection.User = "xxxxxx"
sapConnection.Language = "PT"
sapConnection.hostname = "xxxxx"
sapConnection.Password = "xxxxxxxx" 'Fake password
sapConnection.SystemNumber = "4"
sapConnection.System = "xxxxxx)"
If sapConnection.Logon(1, True) <> True Then
MsgBox "No connection to R/3!"
Exit Sub 'End program
End If
Can someone please help me? Thanks!!
I assume your pulling via an RFC read Table. This Connection will work fine for those.
From this Point on you can make your RFC call without any issues.
But to be truthful though, Above is almost exactly what you have as your second example. your RFC Error your getting seems like you don't have security settings for SAP to make RFC calls to whatever table your pulling from and not a problem with your login code.
Disclaimer: RFC_READ_TABLE is NOT supported by SAP and is more of a backdoor then a day to day method for pulling data.
Edit1: To Cover the Comments and not turn this into a discussion I will try and Summarize them here.
the pop-up: If you want the pop-up for the log in then you need to change this line of code
The Permissions: RFC_Read_Table uses Very Different Security Settings then a SAP t-Code uses, The technical Difference is difficult to explain but for a rule of thumb, If you cant access the SAP Table (t-Code SE16) you most likely not be able to pull it from RFC Read Table
If your company has Multiple SAP boxes (DEV, production, test) the Systemname would be EXACTLY what shows up on the box selection screen of SAP under name. assuming you were getting an RFC error from your second code block then the box name you used in that code would be the correct one.