Need assistance with launching my airflow webserver, the process takes longer than usual and I keep getting the same error.
[2023-11-02T01:46:30.297+0100] {} ERROR - No response from gunicorn master within 120 seconds
[2023-11-02T01:46:30.298+0100] {} ERROR - Shutting down webserver
What I've done:
Reinstalled Ubuntu
cd project directory
created a virtual environment.
Set export AIRFLOW_HOME=pwd
to my current directory
Uninstalled and re-installed apache-airflow in the environment, migrate db and created admin-user
changed both to 0
- worker_refresh_batch_size = 0
- worker_refresh_interval = 0 changed port (e.g to 8081)
Here is what my current directory looks like:
I suspect the issues might be in the configured $AIRFLOW_HOME
as it impacts the .cfg file, but i'm really not familiar with the installation process. and would appreciate your assistance.
dags_folder = /mnt/c/Users/buasc/PycharmProjects/airflow/dags
sql_alchemy_conn = sqlite:////mnt/c/Users/buasc/PycharmProjects/airflow/airflow.db
Apparently, this issue was from the set-up to installing airflow, solving the problem meant uninstalling and restarting the process from scratch.
Step 1: Enable linux properties on windows (windows 11)
Step2: Visit Microsoft Store and download Ubuntu
wsl --install
to enable the windows subsytemwsl --shutdown
wsl --list
this returns the installed linux distrowslconfig /unregister <distro>
wsl --install
Step 3: Set up c directory.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
cd ~
to your root directory Now we will configure the file system to direct to the c without mounting it (without using/mnt/
prefix):sudo nano /etc/wsl.conf
to modify it by pasting the following, save and exit with ctrl+s ctrl+x:nano ~/.bashrc
, insert the line below, save and exit with ctrl+s ctrl+xcd ~
cd \
: Now you should see the c directoryecho $AIRFLOW_HOME
: you should see the directory you setStep 4: Install Packages.
sudo apt get virtualenv
virtualenv <env-name>
: creates a virtual environment with the env-namesource <env-name>/bin/activate
: to activate the environment.Install airflow:
pip install apache-airflow
airflow db migrate
then a prompt asks for you to set a login password
airflow webserver --port 8080
to launch the webserverThe issue from the original attempt was having to mount with the
prefix and not wanting to use docker. Very thankful for the following tutorials: