I am setting up GATE to run on a text document, I want to use DefaultTokenizer and POSTagger, but I am getting error while initializing ANNIE controller.
Exception in thread "main" gate.creole.ResourceInstantiationException: No URL provided for the rules! at gate.creole.tokeniser.SimpleTokeniser.init(SimpleTokeniser.java:131) at gate.Factory.createResource(Factory.java:302) at gate.Factory.createResource(Factory.java:117) at gate.creole.tokeniser.DefaultTokeniser.init(DefaultTokeniser.java:55) at gate.Factory.createResource(Factory.java:302) at gate.Factory.createResource(Factory.java:97)
Can you please help?
I think the issue was with its home, so I just removed old version, reinstalled GATE latest version and set path accordingly and it worked.