I'm trying to connect to IBM Cloud Object Storage from IBM Data Science Experience:
access_key = 'XXX'
secret_key = 'XXX'
bucket = 'mybucket'
host = 'lon.ibmselect.objstor.com'
service = 'mycos'
sqlCxt = SQLContext(sc)
hconf = sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration()
hconf.set('fs.cos.myCos.access.key', access_key)
hconf.set('fs.cos.myCos.endpoint', 'http://' + host)
hconf.set('fs.cose.myCos.secret.key', secret_key)
hconf.set('fs.cos.service.v2.signer.type', 'false')
obj = 'mydata.tsv.gz'
rdd = sc.textFile('cos://{0}.{1}/{2}'.format(bucket, service, obj))
This returns:
Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling z:org.apache.spark.api.python.PythonRDD.collectAndServe.
: java.io.IOException: No FileSystem for scheme: cos
I'm guessing I need to use the 'cos' scheme based on the stocator docs. However, the error suggests stocator isn't available or is an old version?
Any ideas?
Update 1:
I have also tried the following:
sqlCxt = SQLContext(sc)
hconf = sc._jsc.hadoopConfiguration()
hconf.set('fs.cos.impl', 'com.ibm.stocator.fs.ObjectStoreFileSystem')
hconf.set('fs.stocator.scheme.list', 'cos')
hconf.set('fs.stocator.cos.impl', 'com.ibm.stocator.fs.cos.COSAPIClient')
hconf.set('fs.stocator.cos.scheme', 'cos')
hconf.set('fs.cos.mycos.access.key', access_key)
hconf.set('fs.cos.mycos.endpoint', 'http://' + host)
hconf.set('fs.cos.mycos.secret.key', secret_key)
hconf.set('fs.cos.service.v2.signer.type', 'false')
service = 'mycos'
obj = 'mydata.tsv.gz'
rdd = sc.textFile('cos://{0}.{1}/{2}'.format(bucket, service, obj))
However, this time the response was:
Py4JJavaError: An error occurred while calling z:org.apache.spark.api.python.PythonRDD.collectAndServe.
: java.io.IOException: No object store for: cos
at com.ibm.stocator.fs.ObjectStoreVisitor.getStoreClient(ObjectStoreVisitor.java:121)
Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.ibm.stocator.fs.cos.COSAPIClient
It looks like cos driver is not properly initialized. Try this configuration:
You also need to ensure stocator classes are on the classpath. You can use packages system by exceuting pyspark in the following way:
This works with
scheme.UPDATE 2:
Just follow Stocator documentation (https://github.com/CODAIT/stocator). It contains all details how to install it, what branch to use, etc.