No data was written in output source : rxDataStepXdf function

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I have executed below code for selecting rows & column from a .xdf file & creating a new .xdf file but its not working. Below is the code & message shown after execution:

S_date <- as.Date("2014-05-01")   

rxDataStepXdf(inFile = "/poc/revor/data/ext_merchant_account.xdf",
              outFile = "/poc/revor/data/ext_merchant_account_filtered.xdf",
              rowSelection = ((CUR_MER_STA_CD %in% c("A","R")) & 
                              (CLNT_MAN_CHAN_CD %in% c("I","X"," ")) & 
                              (MER_SETUP_DT < S_date)), 
              varsToKeep = c("SE_NO","SEIMS_INDUS_DS_CD"),
              transformObjects = list(S_date = S_date),
              overwrite = TRUE)

Message :

WARNING: No data was written to the output data source.

Below is the .Xdf file structure :

File name: /poc/revor/data/ext_merchant_account.xdf
Number of observations: 13529673
Number of variables: 74
Number of blocks: 136
Compression type: zlib

Just want to filter rows & column based on some criteria but the output .xdf file is not getting created.

Enviorment in which I am running the code:

Revolution R enviornment on Hadoop cluster.

Could anyone point out the mistake that I am doing over here.

Thanks for your help in Advance....:)




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