nltk have nice word2word similarity function which measures similarity by how close the terms are to the common hypernym. Although that similarity function is not applicable to the situation where 2 terms differ from pos tag to pos tag, it still is great.
However, I found that it is so slow... It was 10x times slower than just term matching. Is there anyway the nltk similarity function become faster?
I have tested with this code below:
from nltk import stem, RegexpStemmer
from nltk.corpus import wordnet, stopwords
from nltk.tag import pos_tag
import time
file1 = open('./tester.csv', 'r')
def similarityCal(word1, word2):
synset1 = wordnet.synsets(word1)
synset2 = wordnet.synsets(word2)
if len(synset1) != 0 and len(synset2) != 0:
wordFromList1 = synset1[0]
wordFromList2 = synset2[0]
return wordFromList1.wup_similarity(wordFromList2)
return 0
start_time = time.time()
file1lines = file1.readlines()
stopwords = stopwords.words('english')
previousLine = ""
currentLine = ""
cntOri = 0
cntExp = 0
for line1 in file1lines:
currentLine = line1.lower().strip()
if previousLine == "":
previousLine = currentLine
for tag1 in pos_tag(currentLine.split(" ")):
tmpStr1 = tag1[0];
if tmpStr1 not in stopwords and len(tmpStr1) > 1:
if tmpStr1 in previousLine:
print("termMatching word", tmpStr1);
cntOri = cntOri + 1
for tag2 in pos_tag(previousLine.split(" ")):
tmpStr2 = tag2[0];
if tag1[1].startswith("NN") and tag2[1].startswith("NN") or tag1[1].startswith("VB") and tag2[1].startswith("VB"):
value = similarityCal(tmpStr1, tmpStr2)
if type(value) is float and value > 0.8:
print(tmpStr1, " similar to " , tmpStr2 , " ", value)
cntExp = cntExp + 1
previousLine = currentLine
end_time = time.time()
print ("time taken : ",end_time - start_time, " // ", cntOri, " | ", cntExp)
I just comment out similarity function to compare the performance.
And I have used samples from this site:
Any ideas?