nlapiSearchRecord Sending an Error Instead of Just null

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I have created a search using nlapiSearchRecord(). When I tried to implement it, instead of just returning null when there are no results I receive the error That search or mass update does not exist. It worked fine on a different account but I can't figure out what is causing the problem now.

The code should search if a record that matches rec_val exists. If it doesn't match then continue the loop. But instead of continuing the loop an error is thrown. I have tried using the info from a previous post here but to no avail. Any ideas?

Here is my code:

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++){
  var rec_val = 'some value';
  var column = new nlobjSearchColumn('custfield15');
  var filter = new nlobjSearchFilter('custfield15', null, 'is', rec_val);
  var search = nlapiSearchRecord('inventoryitem', null, filter, column);

  if (search) {
    var rec = nlapiLoadRecord('inventoryitem', search[0].getId());                  
    rec.setFieldValue('custitem5', rec_val);
    nlapiLogExecution('DEBUG', 'Notice:', 'Nothing to Update'); 

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It turns out there was nothing wrong with my code. It just suddenly started working which means it was probably something else that was causing the error.