I am a beginner with Erlang/Nitrogen. I am toying with a bidding system back by a mnesia db. On my index page I have the following code and the various items and their properties get created dynamically from the database:
%% -*- mode: nitrogen -*-
-module (index).
main() -> #template { file="./site/templates/bare.html" }.
title() -> "Meir Panim Gala Dinner silent auction".
body() ->
Header = [#panel{id=header, body=[#h1{text="Meir Panim Gala Dinner silent auction"}]}],
{atomic, Items} = item_database:get_all(),
Elements = lists:map(fun(X) ->
{item, Index, Title, _, Picture, _, _, Reserve, CurrentBid} = X,
#panel{id=items, body=[
#span{id=title, text=Title},
#image{id=image, image= "images/" ++ Picture},
#span{id=currentbid, text="Current bid: £" ++ integer_to_list(CurrentBid)},
#span{id=reserve, text="Reserve: £" ++ wf:to_list(Reserve)},
#link{id=showalert, text="More info / Place your bid", postback="showalert"++integer_to_list(Index)}
end, Items),
wf:f([Header, Elements]).
{atomic, Items} = item_database:get_all(),
Actions = lists:map(fun(X) ->
{item, Index, _, _, _, _, _, _, _} = X,
event("showalert"++integer_to_list(Index)) ->
wf:wire(#alert{text="action "++integer_to_list(Index)++" clicked"})
end, Items).
I tried to create my events in the same manner but it was not working. In my code the alerts will be replaced with lightboxes containing a form to accept bids. Please help and tell me what I am doing wrong.
As far as I know you catch events in page with "event".
so I would try something like :
and at down catch it with :
this is only an example of how you can fix it, its not the best way.