Nightwatch JS command chaining doesn't work in async functions

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I'm trying to call an async page object command in my Nightwatch test but the test is failing. As you can see by the code sample, I'm attempting to chain a couple of .pause commands together but the chaining mechanism is not working. If I remove the 'async' keywords and comment out the 'await' code then the chained commands work. So it seems that using 'async' breaks command chaining. Is there a solution for this?

Nightwatch test ...

module.exports = {
    'Test Commmand Queue': async function (browser) { // async function

page object file ...

module.exports = {
    elements: {},
    commands: [{
        testCommandQueue: async function () {

            await this.pause(3000, function () {

output ...

Running:  Test Commmand Queue

TEST FAILURE: 1 error during execution; 0 tests failed, 0 passed (4.939s)

  TypeError: this.pause(...).pause is not a function

Nightwatch v 1.5.0


There are 1 answers

Vladislav Bulanov On

As much as it looks appealing to use chaining commands I suggest use this.api or browser.

It sounds like a chore but in the long run you will encounter less issues with methods and custom commands.

For example I can't use chaining commands if I need to use the expect by Mocha so I just rather use browser