When I plot single images they appear to be skewed, but doesn't appear that way when I look at the images in 3DSlicer or another viewer. I'm not sure if there's something I should be adjusting that I'm not aware of. The below is how I converted from DICOM
dicom2nifti.convert_directory(path_to_dicom_before, path_to_dicom_before_converted, compression=True, reorient=True)
dicom2nifti.convert_directory(path_to_dicom_post, path_to_dicom_post_converted, compression=True, reorient=True)
print(glob(path_to_dicom_before_converted + '*.nii.gz'))
nii_before = nib.load(glob(path_to_dicom_before_converted + '*.nii.gz')[0])
nii_after = nib.load(glob(path_to_dicom_post_converted + '*.nii.gz')[0])
nii_before_data = nii_before.get_fdata()
nii_after_data = nii_after.get_fdata()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[10, 5])
plotting.plot_img(nii_before, cmap='gray', axes=ax)
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=[10, 5])
plotting.plot_img(nii_after, cmap='gray', axes=ax)
plt.imshow(nii_before_data[100], cmap='bone')
Affine of the first:
[[-3.19454312e-01 7.17869774e-02 3.95075195e-02 6.01478424e+01]
[ 5.83867840e-02 2.97792435e-01 -2.28872180e-01 1.27874863e+02]
[ 4.69673797e-02 1.18071720e-01 5.53225577e-01 1.12181287e+03]
[ 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00 1.00000000e+00]]
As you can see in this answer you are plotting the row
with all columns and all slices! Also you need to plot the pixel arraynii_before_data
and not the wholeNifti
which contains other types of data.you can try:
If you can provide a sample
Image the solution might be more precise according to your data.