NI DAQ MAX Receiving false results from Task.CIChannels.CreateAngularEncoderChannel()

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I have an NI DAQ: cDAQ9185-1E7661EMod1, and I'm trying to read it's data from port ctr1 as a counter channel: AngularEncoderChannel. I'm using NI's C# api.

All I receive back is a stream of 0, 0.36, 0.72 in bulks (a few thousand times 0, then a few thousands more 0.36 and so on), while I'm expecting values of about 2000, constantly changing.

The physical wiring are fine. I ran the code from the angular encoder example, and it works good. I changed all my Task configurations to be as similar as possible to the example, but it still does not work.

My Code:

protected ConcurrentQueue<Sample[]> _exportingQueue;
public double SampleRate { get; set; }
public NITask.Task Task { get; protected set; }
public long SampleCounter { get; set; }
private string _cPort = "cDAQ9185-1E7661EMod1/ctr1";
private NITask.CounterMultiChannelReader _reader;

public void InitializeTask()
                Task = new NITask.Task(); 
NITask.CICountEdgesActiveEdge.Rising, 0, NITask.CICountEdgesCountDirection.Up);
Task.CIChannels.CreateAngularEncoderChannel(_cPort, "", NITask.CIEncoderDecodingType.X1, false, 0, NITask.CIEncoderZIndexPhase.AHighBHigh, 24, 0.0, NITask.CIAngularEncoderUnits.Degrees);

                Task.Timing.ConfigureSampleClock("", SampleRate, NITask.SampleClockActiveEdge.Rising,
                    NITask.SampleQuantityMode.ContinuousSamples, 1000);
                // Create a variable of type CountReader which will read the task's Stream property.
                _reader = new NITask.CounterSingleChannelReader(Task.Stream);

        protected override void ReadData()
            double readerData = _reader.ReadSingleSampleDouble();
            Sample[] singleSample = new Sample[1];
            singleSample[0] = new Sample(readerData, SampleCounter);


The Sample object, and the _exporterQueue are not critical for the actual function of this program. I'm keeping them here just in case they're surprisingly related nonetheless. Sample is an object with a {double Data, and int SampleCounter}, and the _exportingQueue is a queue which stores the samples and dequeues them through another thread. Also I have an alias for the Task object of NI as NITask, just because I'm working with threads, so that the two Task objects won't clash.

I hope the question is clear enough. Thank you very much!


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