ngrx/effects use delay operator with value from state

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in my application, I tracking for session time

  session$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$
    .switchMap(_ => Observable.of({ type: authAction.LOGOUT })

*every time that RESET_SESSION action is called, the logout action waits 10 minutes.

in my application, I get session time from the server and store it on state after login. how I can use this store value in delay? ( because in ngrx store return observable and not object of state)

something like this:

  session$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$
    .switchMap(_ => Observable.of({ type: authAction.LOGOUT })

There are 1 answers

Jota.Toledo On BEST ANSWER

You would need to inject the store into the Effects through the constructor. Something like:

export FooEffects {
    session$: Observable<Action> = this.actions$
    .mergeMap(_ => //getSessionTime would be a selector
    .switchMap(delay => Observable.of({ type: authAction.LOGOUT }).delay(delay));

   private actions$: Actions,
   private store: Store<rootState>){}