ngrok https host-header causing redirecting to localhost

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Pretty new to using ngrok. I'm trying to use it in order to expose my localhost site to the web, in order to test a 3rd-party plugin. Note that our site requires https, so I cannot use ngrok in normal http mode. If I run ngrok http https://localhost:[MyPort] --domain [MyNgrokDomain], it starts up properly, and displays the appropriate Forwarding line, however, navigating to the site yields a 400 Invalid Hostname error.

I'm able to correct that by changing my command to ngrok http https://localhost:[MyPort] --domain [MyNgrokDomain] --host-header localhost:[MyPort]. Now, the URL resolves, however, it automatically redirects it to https://localhost:[MyPort]. This works locally, but of course, fails everywhere else.

Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks!


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