ng2-charts: How to change Hover with chartHovered Event

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my problem is, I want to see the difference between every point when hovered. f.e I have the points 5,4,3 so I dont want to see 5,4,3 when hovered. I want to see 0(because it is the startpoint),1,1.

Can someone help me please.

Thank you


There are 1 answers

yyy On

if you want to edit the tooltip when hovered, you should use with label callback in tooltip options:


<div  style="display: block">
             <canvas baseChart #chart1="base-chart"


public chartOption = {
tooltips: {
  callbacks: {
      label: function(tooltipItem, data) {

            //your logic...

             var label= tooltipItem.index || 0;          
             return label;


for deep look see :