I have the following code (jade)
script(type="text/ng-template" id="carousel.html")
include carousel.html
Where carousel.html has a recursively nested list:
<li ng-repeat="step in steps">
<ul ng-include="'substeps'"></ul>
Where substeps is:
<script type="text/ng-template" id="substeps">
<li ng-repeat="step in step.substeps>
<ul ng-include="'substeps'"></ul>
Basically as long as there are substeps, the ng-repeat will add them as nested lists. This works in all browsers except for IE8. Is there anything I'm overlooking? Maybe a bug in ng-template in IE8?
The fact that I was using Jade to include the carousel hid the fact that I had created nested script tags. The substeps ng-template was inside the carousel.html template. Apparently Chrome is okay with this while IE8 (and maybe others that I didn't check) are not okay with this because it's invalid HTML. Moving the substeps template out of carousel.html fixed it.