Anyone can query user with any fields they want, but gor some reason q_id field resolver parent type includes all fields. How can i fix parent type and make it nullable for each field?
I want to load q_id only when q_is_public (it works, but i need to keep in mind that parant fields can be undefined).
import { extendType, inputObjectType, objectType, arg } from '@nexus/schema'
export const User = objectType({
name: 'User',
definition(t) {
t.field('q_id', {
type: 'Int',
nullable: true,
resolve: (parent) => {
parent type is:
id: number;
nickname: string;
q_is_public: boolean;
parent type actual:
id?: number;
nickname?: string;
q_is_public?: boolean;
q_id?: boolean;
... and so on, what user requested
return parent?.q_is_public ? parent?.q_id : null
const FindOneUserInput = inputObjectType({
name: 'FindOneUserInput',
definition(t) {'id', { required: true })
export const FindOneUser = extendType({
type: 'Query',
definition(t) {
t.field('findOneUser', {
type: 'User',
nullable: true,
args: { where: arg({ type: FindOneUserInput, required: true }) },
resolve: async (_parent, { where }, { db }, _info) => {
// here will be used instead all fields load, to load only selected fields
const res = await db.user.findOne({
return res
It's normal, your query resolver is probably using an ORM or DB client that retrieve all user data (colmuns) including these you don't need/want. That's why your
is "full of unwanted data". But it doesn't matter, what matter is which field you are exposing (In your case id, nickname and q_is_public). No one "outside" your API can access the non-exposed data.In other words, the user data you have in your
argument is provided directly by your DB/ORM client. And your GraphQL server doesn't expose it all (depends on yourt.model
).You can optimize your API by only requesting id, nickname, q_id and q_is_public colmuns from your DB. But if, in the future, you need to expose more field you will have to update your DB query to retrieve more columns.