I have a ASP.NET app that I'm trying to log custom parameters from to NewRelic. The code for logging looks like this:
this.searchResults = performanceMonitor.RecordQuery(() => searchManager.DoQuery(this.searchRequest));
The performanceMonitor
is just an object that does this:
public TSearchResult RecordQuery<TSearchResult>(Func<TSearchResult> query) where TSearchResult : SearchResult
var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
var result = query();
var externalTime = stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds;
var internalTime = ToMilliseconds(result.ExecutionTicks);
NewRelicHelper.AddAttributeToTransaction("QueryExternalTime", externalTime);
NewRelicHelper.AddAttributeToTransaction("QueryInternalTime", internalTime);
return result;
All the line with NewRelicHelper
does is call NewRelic.Api.Agent.NewRelic.AddCustomParameter
with "QueryExternalTime"
and externalTime
Yet after executing this code on machines with NewRelic agents, when I run a NewRelic query, I cannot see either QueryExternalTime
or QueryInternalTime
with their respective values on any transactions.