New password module in R Shinymanager not working

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I am trying to get the New password module of the R Shinymanager package to work in a R Shiny app but I can't seem to be able to store the new password anywhere. The function update_pwd in the code below should allow me to do this but I can't get it to work. I just need a way to store the new password (against the given username) and then update it in the credentials table.

Here is the code (based on


if (interactive()) {


credentials <- data.frame(
user = c("test","manager"), # mandatory
password = c("test"), # mandatory
#start = c("2021-05-15","123456"), # optinal (all others)
#expire = c(NA, "2022-12-31"),
admin = c(FALSE, TRUE),
comment = "new user x",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE

ui <- fluidPage(
tags$h2("Change password module"),
inputId = "reset", label = "Reset password"
verbatimTextOutput(outputId = "res_pwd")

server <- function(input, output, session) {

# adding UI to add user name 
observeEvent(input$reset, {
  # display a modal dialog to allow user to enter user name
    tags$h2('Please enter your user name'),
    textInput('username', 'User Name'),
      actionButton('submit', 'Submit'),

### initiate password change
observeEvent(input$submit, {
    selector = "body",
    ui = tags$div(
      id = "module-pwd",
      pwd_ui(id = "pwd")

output$res_pwd <- renderPrint({

pwd_out <- callModule(
  module = pwd_server,
  id = "pwd",
  user = reactiveValues(user = input$username),
  #user = reactiveValues(user = "me"),
  update_pwd = function(user, pwd) {
    # store the password and user name somewhere
    list(results = TRUE)

observeEvent(pwd_out$relog, {
  removeUI(selector = "#module-pwd")

shinyApp(ui, server)

There are 1 answers

geotheory On

The stock example you're using doesn't dock into anything. You need to edit the line

# store the password and user name somewhere

to store pwd string somewhere - e.g. formal database or maybe just csv file for small number of users. I think it's good practice to store the passwords hashed - e.g. cli::hash_sha256(pwd).